2 Columns
Chocolate bar tootsie roll tiramisu biscuit muffin brownie. Marzipan I love topping I love jelly toffee jelly beans danish. Marshmallow lollipop pie cheesecake soufflé pastry chocolate bear claw. Halvah sesame snaps jelly-o tiramisu cotton candy toffee cake. Pie toffee sugar plum dragée chocolate bar ice cream marzipan.
2 Columns: CSS
Go to Theme > Customize > Advanced > Add CSS and add this:
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display: table;
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2 Columns: HTML
Open your post/page in the editor, click on HTML (next to Compose) and add this: <div class="columns-2">
<div class="col1">Left column content</div>
<div class="col2">Right column content</div>
Replace Left column content and Right column content with your own text and images. 3 Columns
Chocolate bar tootsie roll tiramisu biscuit muffin brownie. Marzipan I love topping I love jelly toffee jelly beans danish. Marshmallow lollipop pie cheesecake soufflé pastry chocolate bear claw.
Chocolate bar tootsie roll tiramisu biscuit muffin brownie. Marzipan I love topping I love jelly toffee jelly beans danish. Marshmallow lollipop pie cheesecake soufflé pastry chocolate bear claw.
3 Columns: CSS
Go to Theme > Customize > Advanced > Add CSS and add this:
.columns-3 {
width: 100%;
display: table;
.columns-3 .col1 {
width: 33.33%;
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3 Columns: HTML
Open your post/page in the editor, click on HTML (next to Compose) and add this: <div class="columns-3">
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Replace Left column content, Centre column content and Right column content with your own text and images.