Add a new instagram widget

The previous widget used in the themes will no longer work. You can generate a new widget from You'll have to register, but generating a widget is free.

Follow By Email (Subscribe) Widget

As Blogger will discontinue the "Follow By Email" widget on July 11, 2021, you should download your subscriber contacts and look into using another newsletter service (MailChimp, Flodesk, etc). You can get in touch by email ( if you'd like me to switch the sign up forms for you and customize the new one.

Laureline Documentation

Documentation for the Laureline template. This template can be purchased from Etsy.

If there are any problems with the template or the instructions, feel free to contact me anytime.

When you download the zip of the template, you have to extract the files that are inside. You cannot upload a zip file to Blogger.

Theme Installation

1. Go to Theme -> click on "Backup/Restore" (top right corner of the page).
2. Click on "Choose File" and select the Laureline.xml file.
3. Click on "Upload".

Enable Responsiveness

1. Go to Theme -> click on the Settings icon on Mobile.
2. Select "No. Show desktop template on mobile devices."
3. Save the changes.

Upload a Logo

1. Go to Layout -> open the Header widget -> click on "Choose File".
2. Upload your image, but do not click on "Shrink to fit".
3. Select "Instead of title and description" from the placement options.
4. If you want to add a description under your blog title, add it to the Description box and select "Have description placed after the image" from the placement options.

Configure the Menus

How to Create a Static Page

A static page is a page where you can add information manually.
1. Go to your blog dashboard -> Pages -> click on "New page".
2. Give it a title and publish it (you can add content later).
3. If you want to disable comments on the page, click on "Options" from the right and select "Don't allow, hide existing" from the Reader comments options.

How to Create a Label Page

A label page is a page where all posts with a specific label will appear. Example: all the posts with the label Personal, will appear in the label page Personal.
1. Open one of your posts in the editor and click on Labels on the right.
2. Add the label you want to the box and click on "Done".

How to Add Single Tabs to the Menus

1. Go to Layout -> open the Pages widget from the MENU section.
2. If you want to add a static page as a single tab, select it from the left.
3. If you want to add a label page as a single tab, click on "+add external link" and fill out the fields:
3.1 Add the title of the tab in the Page Title field.
3.2 Add this as the link of the tab in the Web address (URL) field: /search/label/LabelName?max-results=9
Replace LabelName with the name of your label, but make sure it's written exactly the same way as the label in your post(s). For example, if the label in your posts is written with lowercase letters (personal) and the label in the menu is written differently (ex.: PERSONAL or Personal), Blogger will consider them two different label pages and no posts will appear in the label page from the menu.

How to Add Subpages to the Menus

1. Go to Layout -> open the Pages widget from the MENU section.
2. Click on "+add external link" and fill out the fields:
2.1 Add the title of the tab in the Page Title field and add one underscore in front: _Subpage
2.1 Add the link to the Web address (URL) field (it can be the link to a static page, a label page or another blog/website).
Don't add any underscores to your labels or the titles of your static pages. Add the underscore only in the Page Title field in the Pages widget.

How to Add Subpages to Subpages

1. Go to Layout -> open the Pages widget from the MENU section.
2. Click on "+add external link" and fill out the fields:
2.1 Add the title of the tab in the Page Title field and add two underscores in front: __Subpage
2.1 Add the link to the Web address (URL) field (it can be the link to a static page, a label page or another blog/website).

Add Your Links to the Social Icons

1. Go to Layout -> open the "Social Icons" widget from the SOCIAL section.
2. Replace LINK with your social links - copy them directly from the browser (don't write them), otherwise the links will be broken.
3. You can remove the icons you don't need (remove the entire link from <a href=...> to </a>).
If you accidentally delete the code or the widget, here is the original code from the demo (add it to a HTML/JavaScript widget in the SOCIAL section):
<div class='socials'>
<a href='LINK' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-twitter'></i></a>
<a href='LINK' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-facebook-f'></i></a>
<a href='LINK' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-pinterest'></i></a>
<a href='LINK' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-instagram'></i></a>
<a href='LINK' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-youtube'></i></a>
<a href='LINK' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-heart'></i></a>
<!-- Search Box | Do Not Remove -->
<div id="pop"><i class='fas fa-search'></i></div>
<div id="popup" style="display: none;">
<div class="button b-close"><i class='fas fa-times'></i></div>
<div class='search'>
<form action='/search' class='searchform' method='get'>
<input class='searchbox' name='q' placeholder='' type='text' value='Search...' vinput='' onblur='if(this.value==&apos;&apos;)this.value=this.defaultValue;' onfocus='if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value=&apos;&apos;;'/>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<!-- Search Box | Do Not Remove -->
FontAwesome is used for the icons, so if you need to add more, you can check out the available icons here.

Popular Posts Slider

The slider displays popular posts. You can open the Popular Posts Slider widget from the Layout section to select how many posts to display and if you want to display posts from the last 7 days, last 30 days, all time or last year.

Replacing the popular posts slider with a recent or featured posts slider is FREE, so all you have to do is contact me with your receipt and I'll make the change for you.

Configure the Category Boxes

1. Go to Layout -> open the first Image widget from the CATEGORIES section.
2. Upload your image (don't click on "Shrink to fit").
3. Add the title in the Title field.
4. Add the link in the Link field.
5. Save the widget.
+ Do this for all four Image widgets.

Activate the Subscribe Widget

1. Go to Layout and open the "Subscribe" widget from the NEWSLETTER section.
2. Click on "View stats and learn more.".
3. Click on your feed.
4. Go to Publicize (on top) -> Email subscriptions (on the left).
5. If it's not activated, click on "Activate" (or "Save").
6. Exit the page and save the widget.
The HTML of the widget has been edited. If it's removed and re-added, it will NOT look the same as the widget from the demo. If this happens, you can a) re-upload the template or b), if you have made changes that you don't want to lose, contact me so I can re-add it.

Sidebar Widgets

Keep in mind that only the widgets displayed in the template's demo are customized.

About ("Welcome to Laureline!") Widget

1. Go to Layout -> open the "Welcome to Laureline!" gadget from the sidebar.
2. Upload your image.
3. You can change the title from "Welcome to Laureline!" to something else.
4. To add text about yourself or your blog, add it to the Caption box.
5. If you want the image to be a link to your About page or somewhere else, add the url in the Link box.

Social Icons

The code for the sidebar social icons is the same as the one from the menu social icons - so if you have already added your social links there, just copy the code and replace the one in the sidebar with it. Just remove the code for the search popup.

Activate the Subscribe Widget

1. Go to Layout and open the "Subscribe" widget from the sidebar.
2. Click on "View stats and learn more.".
3. Click on your feed.
4. Go to Publicize (on top) -> Email subscriptions (on the left).
5. If it's not activated, click on Active.
6. Exit the page and save the widget.
The HTML of the widget has been edited. If it's removed and re-added, it will NOT look the same as the widget from the demo. If this happens, you can a) re-upload the template or b), if you have made changes that you don't want to lose, contact me so I can re-add it.

Popular Posts

1. Open the Popular Posts (Popular on the Blog) widget (you can change the title, too).
2. Select the amount of posts you want to display from the drop-down (the default is 10, but 4 or 6 is the best).
3. Save the widget.
The HTML of the widget has been edited. If it's removed and re-added, it will NOT look the same as the widget from the demo. If this happens, you can a) re-upload the template or b), if you have made changes that you don't want to lose, contact me so I can re-add it.

Search Box

The search box should already be on your blog when you upload the template. However, if you have removed the widget and want to re-add it, here's the code:
<div class='search'>
<form action='/search' class='searchform' method='get'>
<input class='searchbox' name='q' placeholder='' type='text' value='Search...' vinput='' onblur='if(this.value==&apos;&apos;)this.value=this.defaultValue;' onfocus='if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value=&apos;&apos;;'/>
<button class="searchsubmit" type="submit" value=""><i class='fas fa-search'></i></button>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>

Select a Featured Post

1. Go to Layout and open the Featured Post widget.
2. Select the post you'd like to show.
3. Save the widget.
The HTML of the widget has been edited. If it's removed and re-added, it will NOT look the same as the widget from the demo. If this happens, you can a) re-upload the template or b), if you have made changes that you don't want to lose, contact me so I can re-add it.


The Instagram widget was replaced on August 27, 2020. If you've purchased the theme before that, follow the instructions here to add the new widget.

1. Go to Layout -> open the "Latest Instagrams" widget from the footer.
2. And replace add-your-username in the code with your username (do not add an @ before it).
If you accidentally delete the code or the widget, here it is (add it to a HTML/JavaScript widget in the FULL section):
$(window).on('load', function(){
'username': 'add-your-username',
'container': "#instagram-feed",
'display_profile': false,
'display_biography': false,
'display_gallery': true,
'display_igtv': false,
'callback': null,
'styling': true,
'items': 6,
'items_per_row': 6,
'margin': 0 
<div id="instagram-feed"></div>